As part of our project acquisition strategy, we are happy to invest in medium to longer term projects such as Strategic Land promotion.
The planning expertise Citrus has in-house enables us to appraise sites thoroughly and commit to investing into such projects which includes the delivery of a strategic masterplan to unlock the potential of the promoted land.
Integra61 is an archetypal example given its initial greenfield status which required Citrus commitment in terms of funding and risk management. Our investment and expertise generated a commercially viable planning consent together with the delivery of requisite site infrastructure and land servicing.
Our strong links to residential providers and operators of retail, industrial and other commercial accommodation allowed us to deliver a complete bespoke end-use solution to the 200 acre site which in addition to creating thousands of jobs has delivered in excess of 300 houses, millions of square feet of logistics, 8 acres of roadside uses, residential care provision and more.